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Basic Techniques to Prevent Spit in Infants for Mothers

Pada usia tiga bulan pertama, hampir 50% bayi mengalami gumoh, yaitu kondisi ketika sebagian isi lambung bayi naik kembali ke kerongkongan dan keluar melalui mulut. Meski tidak perlu terlalu dikhawatirkan, namun Anda dapat mencegah gumoh pada bayi yang terjadi berlebihan, agar tak menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan. Gumoh merupakan kondisi normal yang disebabkan karena kerongkongan bayi belum sepenuhnya berkembang dan ukuran lambungnya masih sangat kecil, sehingga mudah penuh ketika dia minum susu. Biasanya gumoh pada bayi akan terjadi sampai usia 4-5 bulan, dan perlahan akan menghilang seiring dengan perkembangan organ tubuhnya.

Understand how to prevent spit up in infants

When your baby has spit up, don't worry too much because it's normal. But in anticipation of the frequency of spit up is not excessive, you need to understand also a variety of ways to prevent it. There are several techniques that can be done to prevent excessive baby spit up, including:
  • Keep the baby's body upright after eating

  • When the baby has finished eating, keep his body upright for half an hour or more to make the food or milk that has just been consumed remain at the bottom. If the baby has to lie down, place a few pillows to support the body so that the body stays upright.
  • Avoid stress on the baby's stomach

  • Make sure there is no pressure on the baby's stomach for at least 30 minutes after eating to prevent spit up on the baby. Try to avoid wearing pants and diapers that are too tight, or sitting your baby in the car seat, so that the stomach is not depressed.
  • Help the baby to burp

  • Keep the baby burping so that the air that is already in can get out. You can make your baby burp by taking a break in the middle of drinking milk or after drinking milk. Rest your baby's body against your chest so that the position is upright, but do not let the stomach depressed.
  • Watch the hole in the dot

  • If the baby drinks milk using a bottle and pacifier, use a pacifier with the right hole. A hole that is too large can cause the baby to choke because the milk flow is too fast, while the size of the pacifier hole that is too small will make it difficult for the baby to suck the milk and instead suck air.
  • Breastfeed in a quiet room

  • Try to always breastfeed in a quiet closed room and free from any distractions, so that the baby does not panic. Babies who suckle in a panic will tend to swallow air in unison with incoming milk and have the potential to experience spit up afterwards.
Remember, make sure you always keep your baby's upright position when drinking and don't give him too much milk. In addition, please also be aware that sometimes spit up in infants can occur because of something you consume, so it can affect the taste or content of breast milk. Consult your doctor to find out the exact cause.
